
Location Enabled Applications




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Where Is That?



Release 1.0 - November 2009

Want to know where some place is?
What town or suburb is next to it in any direction?
What the postcode is?
What other locations are in the same area?

With "Where Is That?" you can search for, and get maps of, all 17,000 Australian suburbs and postcodes.

Distance and direction is given to nearest capital city, major town and any bookmarked location to give you location description and the list of immediate neighbours.

Search by name to get postcode, by postcode to get name and by 3 level regional drilldown to get all locations there.

Updated every 6 months with new facts such as phone numbers and population and you will always have the latest postcodes and suburbs always at your fingertips!


- For any suburb show the list of neighbouring suburbs and how far in what direction -

- Show where any suburb is compared to Capital City, Major town and and personal bookmark currently defined -



- Get map of current location from within the app -


- Search by suburb name A-Z -


.. browse or just start typing name in, even if unsure how to spell it!



- Search by Postcode 0200- 9xxx -

Browse all postcodes in order..


.. search valid postcodes just by typing it in ..



- Browse by multi level drill down, eg NSW > Sydney > Northern Beaches -


click on NSW to see major regions.. eg Sydney


..then select subregions within Sydney


..then click on any subregion, say Northern Beaches to get all suburbs













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